Monday, March 10, 2014

My Indoor Garden: March 2014

Hi everyone! So today I wanted to show everyone my indoor garden so far, and it isn't looking too good but I decided to show you guys anyways!

So these are both of my Lucky Bamboo, and it looks amazing! It's really healthy and ever since I've moved it to soil, it has grown maybe triple its size!
Propagated Lucky Bamboo
I was surprised that my bamboo was ever going to get to a size where I can actually propagate it and get a whole new plant from it because it was just a tiny plant with barely a leaf on it when I first got it!

So this is my bromeliad, it doesn't look too healthy because after it lost its flower, it was supposed to grow "pups" which are baby plants which are supposed to be repotted and the mother plant dies.
But this bromeliad never died, nor did it produce any baby plants. As you can probably see, it has started to produce pups, but they kind of stopped growing, unfortunately. 

These are my two orchids, which makes my garden  not look like a complete fail. These are the orchids that you so on last week's post (CLICK HERE)
Phalaenopsis Orchids
The buds are getting bigger, and it looks like it's about ready to bloom soon! 

Last but not least, is my Aloe Vera, which is looking the least healthy of all of my plants. I don't know why it isn't so healthy. It's right by a window, I feed it the perfect amount (for being a succulent/cactus).
Aloe Vera
Hopefully it starts getting healthy soon because I really love this plant!

The next plant I want to get is an African Violet and maybe a cool cactus or succulent mini garden. Those plants always amaze me and the African Violets bloom so much it's like having fresh flowers that never leave!
Which plants do you have growing? Let me know down in the comments!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Book Review: Hollow City

Hi everyone! I am so excited for today's post because it's my first ever book review! This was literally my favorite book I've read in my entire life! As we speak, I am starting to read Divergent, so I will let you know how I like it after I finish reading it! So today I am going to talk about Hollow City by Ransom Riggs. This is actually part of a series, and this is the second book. I was thinking about doing a review on the first book (Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children), but I've read it like a year ago so I'm afraid I will forget a few things but I can try to summarize it with no spoilers:) (But you kinda have to read the first book before starting the second, but trust me, you'll love it!!). So, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children is about a teenager named Jacob. When his grandfather, Abe, was younger, he used to "help out" these peculiar children. When Jacob's grandfather died, he decided to follow in his footsteps by helping out these peculiars. His parents think he is crazy through all of this. Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children takes place in a small island in Wales, which is part of the United Kingdom. The peculiar children live in a "loop" which is when time stops (it's the same day over and over again). They are also trying to hide out from these creatures who every now and again try to kidnap them. So that was a no spoiler edition run through of the book. Now onto the second book, Hollow City:
I liked this book even more than the first book, and the first book was really amazing! If you like magical/scary stories this book is for you! I LOVED this book I couldn't even put it down. I wont spoil it, but all I will say about the ending is that it ended in a cliffhanger. The ending really was not expected, but that's as far as I am going to say! So for a quick summary of the book, Jacob decided to stay with the Peculiars and "help them out". To understand what that means, you have to read the book! I thought it was really well written, I love the writing style of Ransom Riggs, and the time period is during World War 2, but the war really isn't mentioned so much. I also really liked how the author used these really cool looking black and white pictures, it added so much to the story, and let's you get a "feel" of the characters.
So that's it! If you read these books, let me know how you like them in the comments!