Sunday, February 15, 2015

Indoor Garden Update | February 2015

Hi everyone! I'm sitting on the couch, sipping on a hot chocolate, and it came to me- I haven't posted a blog post in forever! So that's what I'm doing right now. :)

It's been a while since I've shown you my plants, so that's what I'm going to do today. Also, there were several blog posts that I wanted to put out in January but I didn't get around to doing it- so I'm going to start today with scheduling a few to go up throughout February and maybe even into March ^.^

I'm not making any promises as to when / how often I will be posting- as I don't want to break any promises. But I'm hoping to get back into blogging mode!

First I wanted to show you my Phalaenopsis Orchid. Unfortunately, the blooms fell a couple of weeks ago, but I am super proud of it nevertheless. I've never had an orchid bloom as long as this one (basically 6 months) and the stem is still thick and green! I keep it by bright-ish window and give it water whenever the medium gets dry. Also, when I cut off the spike, I cut it right above the 2nd or 3rd node, and I sprinkled a little bit of cinnamon on it as that's supposed to prevent it from getting infected. 

Next is my Aloe Vera! It's doing absolutely amazing- actually a little too amazing. The "leaves" are getting so long it can barely hold it up! I keep it by a sunny window and water it when the soil gets completely dry. I will do a more "in depth" blog post in a little while so stay tuned for that!

Here's my Chinese Evergreen / Agleonema! I really love this plant and it's incredibly easy to take care of! Also, I put rocks on the top for two reasons. One is to make it look awesome, and two is because it's supposed to hinder fungus gnats from coming and hanging out in the soil. 

Here are my two Zinnia seedlings. Yes I know, I shouldn't have neglected them- but in my defense this was merely an experiment and I didn't expect to have them-long term (because I never has success with seedlings in the past). So I chopped them down really low and if they don't start growing soon I'm going to have to throw them away. 

Here's the "baby" Lucky Bamboo! I'm going to have to add more soil to this- and soon transplant it! It's growing pretty quickly, and also in a really funny shape!

Speaking of "Lucky Bamboo", here is the main / "mother" plant! I am super proud of this plant, it has grown like crazy over the last couple of years. I've had this plant for about six-seven years, and in that time it basically turned into a really healthy, sturdy bush!

Last but definitely not least is my Dracaena! I love this plant, and my mom gave it to me as a birthday present, so it's extra special to me :) It hasn't grown too much, as new leaves grow, the old ones go. It's still doing amazing nevertheless. 

That's all my plants! Hopefully I can get another plant or two in the future- that'd be cool! Also, incase you're wondering why my plants look dry- it's because they are. I'm doing it on purpose in an attempt to get rid of the fungus gnats. I'm keeping the soil dry as much as my plants can tolerate- this way the fungus gnats don't stay. 

Also, I'm going to cover the surface of the soil with gravel if the fungus gnats don't go away. It's supposed to "hinder their arrival". 

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for a lot of exciting posts in the future!

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