Saturday, November 29, 2014

Flowers Opening + Chat

Today I wanted to quickly share with you my Orchid plant. The flowers started opening and I wanted to show you guys! I can't believe how much it's bloomed- it's been almost four months! Yup, four. And you can get the same results if you read my blog post on How to Care for Phalaenopsis Orchids.

I don't know how many gardening posts I'll do in the future, as I'd like to switch it up a bit. Also, I'm not going to create an exact schedule for my blog yet. I will most likely do that in January- as part of my New Years Resolutions. It will most likely be in that blog post as well- which hopefully I can get up on January 1.

The only way I will create a blog schedule is if for the rest of December I can be consistent on posting on my blog.

Lastly, if you have any requests for what you would want to see, let me know in the comments!

You can follow my blog via Email, or through Bloglovin.


Wednesday, November 26, 2014


With it being Thanksgiving tomorrow, I think it's very important for everyone to take a step back from their busy lives and appreciate everything they have. That is the number one key to happiness- appreciating things. The small, the big, and whatever is in between. 
Appreciation can be shown in many different ways. By simply smiling, that's a sign of appreciation. 

Last week the thought popped into my head: Appreciation is only shown when something is missing
For example, if you forget to bring your pen to school, and you have to borrow someone else's- you begin to appreciate your own pen. (Maybe it writes smoother, fits your hand better, etc). You are still appreciative of your friend that he lent you his pen, however you begin to appreciate your own things- mostly when you don't have them. That may be just the way I see it. 

Remember, every day should be thanksgiving. (Not just because of the day off school, but because it's time that we should start to appreciate everything that we have around us).
Let me know your opinion down below!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Zinnia Plant Experiment

Every day my Zinnia plant is growing more and more. It has even gotten too tall for itself, so I held it up using an old Orchid stake I had. It has even gotten too tall for that! So I decided to give it a haircut- I chopped it off just above where two leaves meet the stem. This way, I can get a new growing tip from where the leaf meets the stem, and hopefully it becomes a sturdier, healthier, bushier plant.

I also need to consider repotting it soon, but I'd prefer to do all of my plant repotting outdoors, but it's been so cold outside, that I don't know where/when to do it, but I know it has to be done soon! I also need to make sure I have enough pots for them, and that the pots fit them. The plastic cups they are currently in are taller than the pots I have. The pots I have are larger and wider, but not taller. I'm going to have to come up with a solution for that!

I've been giving my plants as much light as I can give them. I put them in a window where they get full sun all day, and at night I have the lamp on for about an hour or so. I also have been needing to water them a little more often then all of my other plants, but that could just be because they're growing!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Growing Miracle!

Hi everyone! Today I wanted to share with you my Lucky Bamboo plant, which never fails to amaze me. Ever since I planted it into soil, it's been doing amazing. It originally had three main stems, but one of them turned yellow and died, so then I was left with two. Out of these two main stems, it's produced four new side shoots at the base, which have become so strong that they actually look like main stems. I was also able to propagate this plant, and it's thriving. Incase you are wondering how to take care of it, all you need to do is put it in a location that receives low-medium light, and water it just when the soil starts to get dry. Every day, I am more and more proud of it.

A couple of months ago, I gave my plant a little trim because it was really getting too tall for itself. From where I made those cuts, four new side shoots emerged! This made me so happy :) 
I will definitely keep you updated on how it grows!