Wednesday, August 27, 2014

My Indoor Garden | August 2014

Hi everyone! I am so excited to share with you my current indoor garden! As most of you know, the past few months I've been completely uninspired, but a couple of weeks ago I got this sudden urge to want to garden again! So I've spruced up my older houseplants, and I even got a new plant ;).
First let's start of with my Lucky Bamboo! I've really made some improvements with my L.B. and the first major thing that I did was repot it! It was really needing new soil, and a slightly larger pot so its roots can expand even more! (When I was repotting it about a week ago, I noticed it had EXTREMELY healthy and thick roots which is AWESOME)! Also, I sprayed the leaves with some water and wiped them down with a paper towel because they started to get slightly dusty. Also, I gave it a much needed drink right after repotting it. (That really spruced her up!). I've also been noticing that since I've been really taking extra care of it, the new leaves that it produced were a really nice green color, and they didn't have brown tips (which shows that the plant isn't stressed anymore!). Lastly, I pruned it! It had these two giant, leggy stems that came off of the main branch. They got really leggy and the plant wasn't even able to stand on its own anymore because these leggy stems were so heavy that I had to lean them on the wall. All of a sudden it hit me, (not literally LOL), why don't I just prune it? And that's exactly what I did! But I didn't let those two healthy stems go to waste, I simply put it in a vase and it started producing roots! 
You can barely see them now, but when the roots get a little bigger, It's going to be time to plant it into soil! 

My next plant is my Aloe Vera! This plant isn't doing as well as I would like, but I'm sure once I repot it and give it fresh soil, it will get much healthier!

Next are my two Phalaenopsis Orchids. One is a mini and one is a regular size. They both dropped their bottom leaves but I've heard this is normal, as Orchids put out new leaves at the top anyways. 

I've also noticed something really cool! One of the Orchids is producing a baby plant!

Last but definitely not least is the new addition to my Indoor Garden, it's my Chinese Evergreen (Agleonema). I absolutely love this plant, and it always puts me in a good mood every time I see it because it reminds me of my Grandmother's Agleonema which is over 20 years old! 

So those are my plants so far! I know it's not that many at all, but I would really like to make my current plants really happy and get them to be the best they can be before focusing on even more plants. However I would like to start growing some more plants, so stay tuned for next month's indoor garden update, it will most likely contain a couple of new plants ;)