Saturday, December 20, 2014

Indoor Garden Update | December 2014

Hello! It's been a while since I've shown you the progress of my Indoor Houseplants, and many of them grew a ton! 

Here is my Aloe Vera plant, which is the plant I am most proud of. Unfortunately it went through a period in which it almost died, but now it came back to life and started growing amazingly! I don't water it that much at all- in fact, I water it less than my other plants because it's in the cactus family, and doesn't like that much water. I'm planning on doing a full blog post dedicated to my Aloe Vera and how I care for it in the future!

My next plant is my Chinese Evergreen. This plant makes me so happy, because my Grandma always had this plant, so when I got one, it made me really happy :)
I give it water about once a week, and it definitely doesn't require a lot of light. It's a great plant to have and very easy to care for!

Here is my Phalaenopsis Orchid! It has bloomed far longer than any other Orchid I've had in the past. I got it at the end of August (in bloom), and now it's almost the end of December and it's still blooming! I don't do anything special to care for this plant, I just give it plain water when the moss/bark mixture gets dry. I can't believe it still has a bud that hasn't even opened yet! I have a full blog post dedicated to How I Care for My Phalaenopsis Orchid. I'm telling you, they are not hard to care for!

Here is my Lucky Bamboo, which is currently the oldest plant in the collection at the moment. (My actual oldest plant is not with me currently). It has become an actual bush- which I am so happy about! When I first got this plant about six years ago, I had it in a vase with rocks and water. It didn't really grow much then. After a while, I decided to switch it to soil, to see how it would react (because soil actually has nutrients for the plant). Apparently, it loves the soil! I switched it to soil about three years ago, and it has grown so much. All I do is water it once a week, and I don't even have it by a window. I have it in the center of the living room (which happens to be a bright room). If you don't have a Lucky Bamboo, I definitely recommend getting one!

Here are my two Zinnia seedlings. You may be wondering where the third went, and unfortunately it died. But these two are doing absolutely incredible. I have them sitting in the same pot as my Dracaena, and they seem to love it there. So much so, that one even started blooming!
I've noticed the little bud growing more and more, but I didn't expect it to open just yet. What an amazing surprise to come home to! Also, these plants are grown completely from seed, so this is the first time I had success completely growing a plant from a seed :) I water these plants about twice a week, and a lot of times I give them some fluorescent lighting to give them a little extra light now that the sun goes down so early.

My Dracaena is doing absolutely amazing! I have a blog post where I talk all about it. Click Here to read it :) I give it water about once a week, and it doesn't receive a ton of natural light (because it's winter) , but it does receive a nice amount of fluorescent light- because my Zinnia seedlings are right there.

Last but not least, is actually my brother's mini Phalaenopsis. He doesn't really take care of it, so I started to. It's doing okay (not as good as mine!). This plant actually ended up in an accident. When we got home from purchasing this plant, my brother accidentally dropped it on the floor and the blooms fell off. So we couldn't even enjoy the blooms. But hopefully next season, if properly cared for, we will get to enjoy the blooms :)

I also wanted to mention that I have come up with a blog schedule for the new year, and I'm super excited about it! Stay tuned!!

Let me know what you have growing down below!


Friday, December 5, 2014

Special Things :)

Hi everyone! Today I wanted to have a little chit chat :)

So I've been thinking a lot about my blog in the New Year- and I want to make it awesome! Even though I'm terrible at schedule-following for my blog, I would like to take another "crack at it" this coming January. I'm still figuring out whether I want to do theme days, or just a plain schedule when posts will go up. 

For the rest of December, I will most likely only post once a week- due to planning my blog for the New Year, and mostly (this may sound pathetic), I want to save a lot of the good posts for the New Years :)

I'm not saying that this post is bad, because it has been one that I've wanted to blog for a while but I've never got around to doing it. So I'm going to start off here:

I'm a very sentimental person. I love getting things passed down for generations in my family, mostly because I'm extremely family-oriented (which I see as a great thing)! This past birthday, my mom got me a very large plant for my birthday, which I absolutely love! Every time I walk into the living room it makes me feel happy. Also, because it's a plant, it cleans the air :)

I think the fact that I got a plant for my birthday is very special. It is something that I really enjoy doing (taking care of my plants), and it will last a really long time. Also, plants are a sign of life (in my opinion) so it always makes me feel good inside :)

I have my plant located right near this little couch area, with a little table right near it. This is where I write 90% of my blogposts. Also, what makes it even better is if I have a hot chocolate near me :)

In the future I will definitely make a blog post on how I care for my amazing plant!

Thanks for reading this quick little post, let me know what you think about it, and what you've gotten that puts you in a really good mood- or something sentimental that you've received. Also, let me know about the blog schedule this coming January. I want to make it extra special! :)
