Thursday, January 22, 2015

Change || Thursday Thoughts #3

Recently, we got a new piece of furniture for the living room- and it's taken a while to get used to. Granted, change is great- but it does take sometime to get used to (in most cases). Originally I had my plants all in one section; I basically had my own garden- right in my living room. Ever since we got the new furniture piece, that space now no longer exists, and my plants are spread randomly throughout the living room.

What I've noticed about myself is, I love change, as long as it's a relatively small change. For example, I love changing the background of my phone- but changing something like a house, is slightly more drastic.

I think a main reason that I love vacations is because it's a change from my normal way of life- and I like that change.

Overall, I think change is great- as long as the main things are still the same. Change can be an absolutely amazing thing- it's fresh- and it'll most likely motivate you to complete your tasks / whatever else you need to do. Change always makes me feel slightly more productive- which is definitely a 'pro'.

Do you like change? Let me know down below!


Sunday, January 11, 2015

My Weekend Night Routine


Today I am going to share with you my weekend night routine. Weekends for me are filled with a lot of family time and relaxation time. On a Friday / Saturday night, right before dinner I take a shower. I like eating dinner so much better in my PJ's! After dinner, I generally come to my room and chill out for about an hour or so- I'll watch my favorite show, watch some youtube videos, or play a game on my phone.

After that, I go into the kitchen and make myself a hot cocoa. This is typically around 9:30-10:00. I absolutely love my weekend hot chocolates! Once I bring my hot cocoa back to my room I usually read  a book. Currently, I'm in the middle of Allegiant by Veronica Roth- and I'm absolutely loving it! Once I finish it I will write a blog post telling you my thoughts about the book.

After reading a couple of chapters, I get under the covers and listen to music for about 15 minutes while scrolling through Instagram and playing some Candy Crush. (I'm up to level 277 if you were wondering). At that point I start to get tired, so I get back on youtube and watch more videos until I fall asleep! 

That was my weekend night routine; It isn't as eventful as a week-day night routine- so I will definitely do that in the future. 


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Fears of 2015 || Thursday Thoughts #1

Hi everyone! Today is the first installment of Thursday Thoughts. With it being a week into the New Year, I thought I would write about everything I'm "afraid" of coming in 2015!

GRADUATION// This year, my best friend is graduating from High School. Next year, in 2016, my graduation will follow. I am so nervous about graduating- mostly because I have absolutely no clue as to what I want to be when I grow up. This year, I would like to spend figuring out who I am, and what I want to do with my life. Once I'm marching down those aisles with my cap and gown on
half-way through 2016- I should have at least a clue as to what I want to do with my life!

TECHNOLOGY// Most people typically don't think about this on a day to day basis- but the thought popped into my head. Technology is advancing so fast, it's scary. Who knows what 2020 will look like? What will the iPhone look like? Will people still have "normal" conversations anymore?
A part of me loves technology; but at the same time a part of me hates it.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head! I most probably have more, but that's going to have to wait for a different time.

Maybe I'll continue this series on another Thursday, if I come up with more "fears"!


Friday, January 2, 2015

New Years Resolutions! (2015)

Happy New Year!! Today I wanted to tell you all of my New Years Resolutions, and hopefully I follow through with them. I think if I share my goals on my blog, it will make me more likely to follow through with them.

I really hope that I can keep up with my blogging "schedule" throughout the year. That will consist of a post on almost every Thursday and another 1-2 posts on other days of the week. (To see the full blog post on my new blogging schedule, check out yesterday's post here!)

Oh you know I have to have some health-related New Years Resolutions!

First, I want to have at least one fruit and one vegetable a day (And that's taking baby steps!) Hopefully within the next few months I will get more used to eating fruit and vegetables and it won't seem like such a chore!

Next, I want to have at least 6-8 glasses of water a day. Ideally, that should not include the two water bottles I drink throughout the day in school. Water is incredibly healthy, and it's time that I start drinking a lot more of it.

Lastly, exercise. I definitely won't push myself to exercise that much, because I'm in school walking around the whole week- so I like to relax on the weekends. However, it would be beneficial if I did some sort of workout at least once a week- just to get my heart pumping and my muscles moving.

Reading. I would like to read about one book per month. Books are very beneficial, and when it's a good book, there is nothing like drinking a cup of hot cocoa while diving into a story.

Making Decisions. I am so incredibly indecisive it's unbelievable. It's to the point where I can't even decide what topping I want to get on my ice cream, or what candy bar I want to get from the store. I thought it was about time that I start getting used to making decisions, and sticking to them. 

Academic. Maintenance of a good average in school isn't all that difficult for me. It just takes time and effort. So I would like to maintain at least an 80 (B) average in every class. 

Retainers. Ever since I got my braces off, I've been terrible at keeping up with wearing my retainers. I would like to start wearing them at least 3 times a week. 

So those are my New Years Resolutions/goals for 2015! Sometime during February or March I will make an update post talking about how I am keeping up with these goals! Also, this list can keep growing! These are just the things that I can think of off the top of my head. Let me know you're goals for the New Year in the comments below! 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

Hi everyone! Happy New Year! With it being the first day of the month, as well as the first day of the year; I wanted to inform you of the new blogging schedule that hopefully I will stick to! I've been planning this for about a month, trying to create a schedule that I would actually stick to- and I think I've come up with the perfect plan!

Now that I think about it, it isn't actually a "schedule". I just wanted to keep my blog very organized in terms of posting, and adding new things to my blog so here goes…

1. At first I was thinking of having themes- like every Friday a Gardening post, and every Monday, a random post; but I've decided against that. I want to be able to post freely on my blog any topic any time. 

2. I did like the idea of a "theme" and I do love just writing about anything, so I did create a day for that. That day is Thursday. So when ever I post a blog post on a Thursday it will be called Thursday Thoughts. I'm not guaranteeing a new blog post every Thursday, but on a large majority of Thursday's, a Thursday Thoughts post will go up. On Thursday Thoughts, I will write about anything I've been thinking about, usually it will be planned in advance (like a topic I want to write about), but sometimes it can be random.

3. Besides for Thursday's posts, there will be other posts throughout the week. Besides for Thursday, there will most likely be 1-2 other posts (on a random day). On a good week, there will be a total of three posts a week, and on a week where I really run out of ideas, there will be two blog posts.

In conclusion, there will be 2-3 blog posts a week. Most Thursday's there will be a blog post called "Thursday Thoughts" and throughout the week there will be other posts- either gardening, or anything else! 

I have many blog posts planned all throughout January, even into February! I have my New Years Resolutions post going up tomorrow :)