Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

Hi everyone! Happy New Year! With it being the first day of the month, as well as the first day of the year; I wanted to inform you of the new blogging schedule that hopefully I will stick to! I've been planning this for about a month, trying to create a schedule that I would actually stick to- and I think I've come up with the perfect plan!

Now that I think about it, it isn't actually a "schedule". I just wanted to keep my blog very organized in terms of posting, and adding new things to my blog so here goes…

1. At first I was thinking of having themes- like every Friday a Gardening post, and every Monday, a random post; but I've decided against that. I want to be able to post freely on my blog any topic any time. 

2. I did like the idea of a "theme" and I do love just writing about anything, so I did create a day for that. That day is Thursday. So when ever I post a blog post on a Thursday it will be called Thursday Thoughts. I'm not guaranteeing a new blog post every Thursday, but on a large majority of Thursday's, a Thursday Thoughts post will go up. On Thursday Thoughts, I will write about anything I've been thinking about, usually it will be planned in advance (like a topic I want to write about), but sometimes it can be random.

3. Besides for Thursday's posts, there will be other posts throughout the week. Besides for Thursday, there will most likely be 1-2 other posts (on a random day). On a good week, there will be a total of three posts a week, and on a week where I really run out of ideas, there will be two blog posts.

In conclusion, there will be 2-3 blog posts a week. Most Thursday's there will be a blog post called "Thursday Thoughts" and throughout the week there will be other posts- either gardening, or anything else! 

I have many blog posts planned all throughout January, even into February! I have my New Years Resolutions post going up tomorrow :)


  1. Hey there !!

    lovely blog post !!

    great blog you have here

    would be great to see you over on my blog

    Happy New Year!!


  2. Thank you! I checked your blog, and it's really professionally done! Great job! :)
