Friday, January 2, 2015

New Years Resolutions! (2015)

Happy New Year!! Today I wanted to tell you all of my New Years Resolutions, and hopefully I follow through with them. I think if I share my goals on my blog, it will make me more likely to follow through with them.

I really hope that I can keep up with my blogging "schedule" throughout the year. That will consist of a post on almost every Thursday and another 1-2 posts on other days of the week. (To see the full blog post on my new blogging schedule, check out yesterday's post here!)

Oh you know I have to have some health-related New Years Resolutions!

First, I want to have at least one fruit and one vegetable a day (And that's taking baby steps!) Hopefully within the next few months I will get more used to eating fruit and vegetables and it won't seem like such a chore!

Next, I want to have at least 6-8 glasses of water a day. Ideally, that should not include the two water bottles I drink throughout the day in school. Water is incredibly healthy, and it's time that I start drinking a lot more of it.

Lastly, exercise. I definitely won't push myself to exercise that much, because I'm in school walking around the whole week- so I like to relax on the weekends. However, it would be beneficial if I did some sort of workout at least once a week- just to get my heart pumping and my muscles moving.

Reading. I would like to read about one book per month. Books are very beneficial, and when it's a good book, there is nothing like drinking a cup of hot cocoa while diving into a story.

Making Decisions. I am so incredibly indecisive it's unbelievable. It's to the point where I can't even decide what topping I want to get on my ice cream, or what candy bar I want to get from the store. I thought it was about time that I start getting used to making decisions, and sticking to them. 

Academic. Maintenance of a good average in school isn't all that difficult for me. It just takes time and effort. So I would like to maintain at least an 80 (B) average in every class. 

Retainers. Ever since I got my braces off, I've been terrible at keeping up with wearing my retainers. I would like to start wearing them at least 3 times a week. 

So those are my New Years Resolutions/goals for 2015! Sometime during February or March I will make an update post talking about how I am keeping up with these goals! Also, this list can keep growing! These are just the things that I can think of off the top of my head. Let me know you're goals for the New Year in the comments below! 

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